Too-Specific Top 10 - Virtual World Problems

MTG Muddstah - Daretti vs Mazirek vs Etali vs Alesha

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#alesha, #Daretti, #edh gameplay, #etali, #mazirek, #mtg muddstah Read More »

Historically Speaking — Five Suns, Five Elder Dinosaurs!

Lets talk about cycles. Not those cycles, godsdamnit! Not cycling! No, the cycles to which I here refer are a staple of Nahua and Tenocha-Mexica cosmology—and they refer to the nature of reality and the world. This is surprisingly relevant as of Rivals of Ixalan and the unleashing of the five Elder Dinosaurs near Orazca. […]

#decree of annihilation, #decree of savagery, #etali, #Ghalta, #Nezahal, #nimble obstructionist, #Primal Death, #Primal Hunger, #Primal Storm, #primal tide, #rune of protection lands, #Tetzimoc, #Zetalpa, #zetalpa primal dawn Read More »

Commander Showdown — Etali vs Grenzo

Stealing Things is Fun Rivals of Ixalan unleashed a cycle of new dinosaurs into EDH, from the enormous Ghalta, Primal Hunger to the terrifying Tetzimoc, Primal Death. However, one dino can still be heard above the rest: Etali, Primal Storm, the spinosaurus that bellows so loudly it shakes the top card of everyone's library loose. […]

#aggravated assault, #bedlam, #break through the line, #disrupt decorum, #etali, #etali primal storm, #goad, #goblin war drums, #grenzo havoc raiser, #hellkite charger, #lantern of insight, #mono red, #neheb the eternal, #relentless assault, #scroll rack, #world at war Read More »