Legendary Creature Podcast - Simic: the Format's Gonads

What is it about Simic? It's just so easy for blue and green to combine forces and realize their plans. It's almost as if they're fueled by extra body parts, virile with the force of a Gentleman Bronco.

Well, we're diving back into the guilds as Ravnica Allegiance rolls out. This week we're exploring the identity of Simic. And unlike the Simic with their extra appendages, Andy tries to build around Vanifar with one arm behind his back. Did he find a good 75% place to land with the so-called Birthing Pod-mander?

Kyle then wraps up the episode by trying to wrest Arixmethes from watery slumber. Hope he chewed done on enough gillyweed.

Check out Andy's decklist here:

And check out Kyle's decklist here:

Be sure to watch our gameplay videos on YouTube, and feel free to join the conversation there.

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Twitter: @legend_creature

The intro and outro beats this episode are by the artist Home. The album is Resting State and the track is #24. There a ton of great beats by Home. Check him out and support him:

Big shout out to Mikey Patch for logo artwork! Check his stuff out:

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